Whey Protein


Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard

Whey is a natural, low lactose protein derived from cow's milk. It boasts the highest concentrations of branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) and Biological Value (BV) of all proteins. Aside from its benefits for fat loss, lean muscle gains, and appetite control, supplementation of whey protein, benefits the body's immune system and greatly enhances hormonal and cellular responses. Whether your goal is to build bigger muscles or trim and firm your body, whey protein should be your number one supplement!

How do I use it?
Whey protein can be mixed with any liquid, most commonly water, milk or juice.

Whey protein can be taken at the following times of the day in order of importance:

  1. Postworkout- 30-50 grams in a postworkout drink with 30-100 grams of carbs. Add 5-10 grams of glutamine and 3-5 grams of creatine for enhanced recovery from workouts. Do not mix with milk as this will slow digestion.

  2. Bedtime- 25-40 grams. Sleep is when we grow. Consuming protein before bed lessens the harmful fasting period that occurs when we sleep. Although whey is a good source of protein before bed, a sustained-release protein powder is better because it will feed your muscles for a longer period of time. If Whey is your only option, mix it with fibre and/or healthy fat to slow digestion. You may also mix it with another protein source like milk or cottage cheese.

  3. Morning- Immediately upon awakening. Your body has been fasting through the night and is in need of protein. So if you don't have time for an omelette have a whey shake with your breakfast.

  4. Mid-sleep (Optional)- This dosage is taken at usually 3:00-4:00 A.M., to keep our body in a constant anabolic drive. Again this is optional, but if you wake up in the middle of the night, make the most of it. Ready-to-drink shakes are great for this.

Summary of Benifits

  • Increased Muscle Growth
  • Increased Strength and Endurance
  • Increased Fat Loss (in combination with a sensible diet)
  • Quicker Recovery Between Workouts
  • Fortification of Immune System
  • Appetite Control

Complementary Products


Proteins - Whey Blends Products
Proteins - Sustained-Released Products
Proteins - Whey Isolate Products
Proteins - Soy/Vegetable Products