Popeye's® Supplements Canada HistoryCANADA! YOU JUST GOT.....Bigger! Stronger! Leaner! Fitter! Faster! Canada's Leading Sports Nutrition Stores Since 1989 Lowest Supplement Prices Guaranteed!
Have you ever used or heard of BSN, Muscletech, Optimum Nutrition, Hydroxycut, Creatine Monohydrate, PVL, Bio-X, Whey Protein, Fat Burners, Protein and Energy Bars, Glutamine, CLA, Fish Oil, EFA's, IsoFlex, Veggie Greens — well, you just have, and they are ALL available to you at our nearest Popeye's Supplements Canada Location, along with many more leading sports nutrition products all at the lowest prices in Canada GUARANTEED! GET READY CANADA! Our expertise, experience, knowledge and innovative approach in this industry, is proven hands down. To date, the name ' Popeye's Supplements Canada is the most powerful store name in the sports nutrition industry. In fact, not only is it known right across Canada and North America by thousands and thousands of households, but it is also known by thousands of retail competitors - simply incredible! When Popeye's Supplements Canada comes to town you know about them FAST! POWERFUL FACT: Today consumers are taking charge of their health. They are striving to feel better, look better, and perform at their optimum potential, male and female, young and old. Research reveals that balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can help consumers achieve their goals dramatically. Popeye's Supplements Canada Locations are here to help achieve those goals. Popeye's Supplements Canada stores provide you with powerful, informative, knowledge and detailed information you have always been wanting. We answer all your questions and concerns about sports nutrition. We only carry products that WORK and you will see excellent results, we GUARANTEE or simply return the product! We read all the fitness magazines, just like you do, and we see all the same hyped up big glossy ads in those magazines. When you go into all those other health food stores, gyms, fitness and bodybuilding stores and you see all those bottles and big containers staring at you - yes, the ones you just saw in the magazines that can make you huge overnight. You start to think - "What are all those products for?" and then secondly, you think - "Which product do I want, and do I need it?" Two logical questions and you know what, almost all the time you just guess and take what looks good, or you think is good, because you just saw it advertised or hyped up in one of those fitness magazines. BUYER BEWARE FACT: Should you waste you money like that? Should you have to try everything on the market first? Should you have to keep guessing? NO! This is how Popeye's Supplements Canada stores will help you make the RIGHT CHOICE! We inform you on everything you have seen in those magazines. We give you detailed, knowledgeable, explosive information at your finger tips, while at the same time, save you lots & lots of money on products that ONLY WORK! You see, there are literally thousands of supplements out on the market. The magazines are full of new potions and lotions in every issue. We could carry them all - but we don't! We keep you totally informed on what's out on the market today, and educate you on only the products that work! This is where we do all the paper work, the sampling, the trying, ditching all the products that did nothing and were of poor quality. Then, taking all the valuable feedback and information that you, the consumer, have told us through your own trial and error. What we then have left, is a list of the best products out on the market today that are the highest quality so you know exactly what you are buying and giving you results and solutions! If we say they work - THEY WORK! If we say they don't - THEY DON'T! No B.S. it's that simple! Popeye's Supplements Canada Locations will give you straight up answers and information about all the supplements and the companies who make these products. We get no discounts or incentives from any supplement company to give their products the "Big Review" or the "Quick Sell". We buy in volume to give you the LOWEST PRICE; you consistently buy from us to get the lowest price - that's all! Plus, we further reward you when you join our exclusive in store mailing list that will provide you with more HUGE discounts and exclusive money saving coupons. In fact with every purchase in our locations you will save even more by receiving our famous "Popeye's Bucks". These "Popeye's Bucks" can be used just like cash on your next purchase - just another way we save you money and to say THANK YOU for your business. Popeye's FACT: |