Mammoth Meal Mammoth MEAL took over two years of passionate, uncompromising product development. Mammoth MEAL was designed with a broad range of users in mind. Whether you’re a strength athlete or a busy professional looking for healthy alternatives, our delicious superfood shake is the right choice for you! Fitness Athletes, Sports Athletes, Busy Business Professionals, First Responders and Students. Weight Management: If you're looking to lose weight, Meal can make an excellent companion to your weight loss plan. Most weight loss programs require a strict adherence to, and knowledge of, specific caloric intake amounts. Our ‘EZ Dose’ system makes it simple to keep track of specific macronutrients and calories. In addition MEAL uses a low glycemic carbohydrate blend and high quality fat sources, which have the ability to curb your appetite and keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. All of these features make MEAL an ideal part of most weight loss programs.
The 40/40/20 approach to macronutrients was first established by Arnold Schwarzenegger as the ultimate blue-print diet plan for physique and performance success. It is viewed as a perfect baseline macronutrient ratio to build a foundation for your daily nutritional intake.
ONLY WHOLE FOOD SOURCED CARBOHYDRATES: C.A.R.B The Mammoth MEAL C.A.R.B* complex is a premium, whole food & organic based carbohydrate blend designed to maximize sustained energy levels with the perfect blend of low glycemic carbohydrates. You won't find cheap sugar spiking carb sources such as dextrose in this formulation. Refer to the 'What is in Mammoth MEAL' ingredient list section on this brochure for more details. Healthy Fats. Essential Nutrients. Supporting Ingredients. MEAL provides healthy fats from a vast array of whole food sources as well as technologically advanced sources such as MCT’s**. These fats provide amazing cardiovascular health benefits and sustained energy levels throughout the day. Refer to the 'What is in Mammoth MEAL' ingredient list section on this brochure for more details.
E.Z Dose: What is EZ Dose? We created the ‘E-Z Dose’ system with the aim to make Mammoth MEAL super easy to use. To achieve this goal we designed each scoop in Mammoth MEAL to contain exactly 100 calories (10g Protein, 10g Carbs and 2.25g fat). Some people need more calories than others. Some people need to track their caloric intake. However you want to use Mammoth MEAL, we have you covered. Please review the chart above which out-lines Mammoth MEAL serving sizes, macro nutrient information, mix ratios and calories.
Dosing will vary from person to person. Factors such as age, weight, height & activity level all need to be considered but because Mammoth MEAL is essentially a super food, it is safe to use in most scenarios. When to use #1: Mammoth MEAL is an excellent first meal of the day. The quick convenience of Meal will ensure you never miss breakfast again! When to use #3: Mammoth MEAL can be used in between meals throughout the day to ensure you do not miss out on consistent fuel needed to recover and grow new muscle tissue. No time to eat every 3 hours? No problem! Mammoth MEAL is a quick and convenient way to get the protein carbs and fats you need. When to use #4: Mammoth MEAL is ideal for athletes young and old, who need the proper fuel in-between and after sporting events. Perform at your best each and every day with Mammoth MEAL.
Supplements Canada, or the operating company, will not be held responsible for any product information and ingredients, |