Basic Meal Template
Suggestions |
Additional Meal "Varirty"
Suggestions |
Foundations of Health
Suggestions |
7:00AM |
Protein Pancake
44g Protein - 441 Cals.
• 4oz Boil/Mashed Sweet Potato
• 4 Egg Whites
• 1 Scoop Vanilla Whey Protein
• 2 tsp Cinnamon & Splenda |
Foundation Smoothie
37g Protein - 298 Cals.
• 1/2 Cup Water
• 1 Cup No-Fat Natural Yogurt
• 1 Scoop of mixed Whey Protein
• 1 Cup Frozen Organic Berries |
Not to be Counted as Cals.
in the Meal Guide
• 1 Scoop Vege Greens*
• Essential Fat (Caps or Liquid)
• Multi-Vitamin
* Can be added to Foundation Smoothie |
9:30AM |
Protein Fruit Salad
27g Protein - 240 Cals.
• 1 cup No Fat Cottage Cheese
• 1/2 cup Crushed Pineapple
• 1/2 cup Oranges & diced Walnut |
Fruit & Fibre
14g Protein - 317 Cals.
• 1 cup Heritage O's Organic Cereal
• 1 cup Sliced Peaches
• 1 cup Skim Milk |
Training Days
Post Workout Shake
• 1 scoop Isolate Whey
• 5g (1 tsp) Glutamine
12:30PM |
Chicken Fajitas
33g Protein - 300 Cals.
• 2 Whole Wheat Tortillas
• 3 oz Chicken (Diced Breast)
• 1 cup Grilled Veggies
• Pepper & Cayenne Spices
• No Fat & Low Sodium Sauce |
Peppercorn Pita
33g Protein - 382 Cals.
• 1 Whole Grain Pita Wrap
• 3 oz Grilled Lean Beef
• 1/2 Cup Diced Peppers
• 1/4 Cup Diced Tomatos
• 2 tbsp No-Fat Peppercorn Sauce |
Not to be Counted as Cals.
in the Meal Guide
• Multi-Vitamin
3:00PM |
Munch & Run
23g Protein - 350 Cals.
• 1 cup Unsalted Trail Mix
• (Dried Fruit, Nuts & Seeds) |
Crunch & Munch
20g Protein - 170 Cals.
• Quest Bar |
Not to be Counted as Cals.
in the Meal Guide
• 1 scoop PhytoBerry
6:00PM |
Stay Lean Burger
35g Protein - 474 Cal.
• 3 oz Lean Turkey
• 1 Whole Grain Bun
• 1 tsp Minced Garlic
• Sliced Tomato; Romaine Lettuce
• 1 cup Wild Rice |
Garlic Dill Chicken
36g Protein - 345 Cals.
• 3 oz Grilled Chicken
• 1.5 cups Steamed Greens
(Pea Pods, Broccoli etc)
• 1 tbsp Dill & Minced Garlic |
Not to be Counted as Cals.
in the Meal Guide
• Essential Fat (Caps or Liquid)
• Multi-Vitamin
8:30PM |
Almost Ice Cream
26g Protein - 230 Cals.
• 1 cup Cottage Cheese
• 1 cup Frozen Fruit
• 1 tsp Splenda. Blend till Smooth |
Quick n' Easy...
30g Protein - 165 Cals.
• 1 scoop Substained Release Protein with water |
To be Taken Before Bed
• 10g (2 tsp) Glutamine
Consult a physian before starting any weight-loss program. Results will vary; be sure to use in conjunction with an exercise program. This guide is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |
Consuming the correct ratio of protein, carbs and fat is essential to maintaining a healthy body. Given the prevalence of high carb food choices (especially in the fast food sector) individuals can often eat several meals, consuming high carbohydrate snacks that spike their blood sugar levels and begin an "up and down" energy cycle.
One way to increase overall energy and stabilize blood sugar levels is to add a protein source to every meal and snack (protein helps slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream). Individuals who pursue an active lifestyle will require more protein for recovery and repair when compared to those with a more sedentary life
In addition, consuming additional protein will provide the body with key amino acids that form a pool allowing the body from the supply when needed. Unlike carbohydrates which can be stored for future use, amino acids are flushed from the body and need to be supplied consistently during "refuelling" or meal time. Amino acids such as L-Glutamine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine are crucial to immune health and muscular recovery and found in the highest concentration in whey proteins.