NOW Betaine HCL, 120 Capsules
Supports Normal Digestion
  • 648 mg
  • Vegetarian Formula

NOW® Betaine HCl is formulated to support proper digestive conditions in the stomach.* Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) is normally produced in the stomach, where it assists protein digestion by activating pepsin, helps to maintain a healthy balance of gut flora, and stimulates the release of intestinal enzymes.* Pepsin is a protease produced in the stomach that partially breaks down proteins in foods.* HCl production tends to decline with age, so supplementing with HCl and pepsin may help to maintain normal digestive function.* This product uses a vegetarian acid-stable protease with activity equivalent to that of animal-derived pepsin. 

Natural color variation may occur in this product.

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule daily, preferably with meals.


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